Information gathered from Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice
Veterinary Hospice is a family-centered service dedicated to maintaining comfort and quality of life for the terminally ill or elderly pet until natural death occurs or the family elects peaceful euthanasia.
Extrapolated from human hospice, this specific type of veterinary care is focused on the comfort of your pet, not at finding a cure for his or her disease. It is appropriate if your fur baby has been diagnosed with an incurable illness or if further therapy options have been declined in lieu of comfort-oriented care.
What can you expect from a hospice visit?
Your Lap of Love Veterinarian will spend about an hour observing and learning about your pet and discussing behavior, changes or other issues that you may face in the end stage of life. This consult will also include advice, tips, and resources to help maintain a better quality of life for your friend and the rest of your family. We assist you in implementing a plan that will meet your pet’s needs and respect your family’s wishes.
Veterinary hospice care usually includes, but is not limited to:
· Implementation of a hospice care plan for your dog or cat
· Education about the end-stage disease process
· Pain recognition and treatment
· Intravenous and subcutaneous fluids
· Supplementary nutrition
· Management of incontinence
· Bandage and wound care